Don't Leave Without A PLan!
We all will experience rejection and abandonment in our lives. Learning how to deal with it helps minimize future rejections. When we're rejected repeatedly, we begin to subconsciously expect rejection. That expectation causes us to actually push people away before the rejection actually happens.
God promises repeatedly in the Bible that He will never leave us or forsake us. Focusing on His love for us helps us to understand how worthy we are to be loved by Him and others. Getting comfortable in our own skin will help us be comfortable around others.
We talked about the Blessing of Obedience and the fruit of following God. We wrapped up our session with a study on planning and preparation. Chapter 46 in the book "49 X 3:16" is called "Be Prepared" You can read a section of it in the pictures below. The men were urged to be grateful for what they have and be resilient when things aren't perfect. Sometimes we wait too long for perfect opportunities to appear and they never do.
Trust God, take a step and then trust Him again. Life isn't meant to be lived impatiently. Be still and wait on God. We had some great interaction with many wisdom filled comments and advice from some of the men today. As for the guy who left yesterday, we have to let go and continue to pray. Many guys do find their way back when they realize what a great opportunity they have at the Sunshine Rescue Mission.
Thanks for your time. Go do something nice for somebody. Jesus loves you and so do we.
#mancave #strongresilientmen #SRM #ywap4Christ #JLYASDW