ENCOURAGEMENT Is Keyword In The Man-Code-4-Life
We can't tell the personal stories of the men in the Cave, but we do tell them many encouraging life stories. You can read about Session #2 in our textbook by going to: Man-Code-4-Life Session #2
Today we covered many stories about men who use hard times and failures as stepping stones to success, Ken Metzger is a cancer-overcomer and the Author of a Potter's Perfect Piece. Michael Jordan is a Hall of Fame Basketball Player who was denied a spot on his high school varsity team. Billy was a boy who was laughed at by classmates for being slow, he invented a new way to fly paper airplanes. Adam was the first man to sin and the first man in the lineage of Christ.
We talked about privilege and how some folks are born in to adversity and some are born into prosperity. Whether adversity or prosperity, God has endowed all of us with His Spirit of excellence. What we are given by God is the privilege of sharing His Love with others. Every human being is given the Privilege of God - the ability to freely give that which we have freely received.
All men will experience failure. Embracing failure as a stepping stone to success will help us to become Strong Men. Thanks for your time. Go do something nice for somebody. Jesus loves you and so do we.
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