Youngsters and apologies are sometimes hard to find. For the second time this week in our West Hertel Academy After School Program, YWAP is proud to report some positive behavior. Music can be found in many places including the words we speak. "I'm sorry" is a beautiful sound to here!
When a candy bar fell on a climber near Mt. Everest, it hit him in the chest and he died a died a short time later. Something small and frozen dropped from over 200 feet can kill somebody. Our 9 minute character lesson on Thursday (11-12-15) was about how small things can do a lot of damage. Small actions can have large consequences. Little did we know that we would have a live demonstration during our class.
A full court shot in basketball is every players dream. Unfortunately in a very small gym with a large crowd, a full court shot is not a good idea. One student made the mistake of launching a full court shot. In most cases this wouldn't be a problem because everyone is watching the same game and aware of where the basketball is. Because of the large crowd, we had games at both ends. The full court shot hit another student who wasn't looking and it hurt. He immediately went after the other student in anger. It didn't last long. We explained that it was wrong and that we were sorry that the student was hurt, but the best thing was to let it go as an accident. Within less than 2 minutes, the guy who threw the ball came in and said; "I'm sorry." He was not forced or coerced in any way. He recognized his mistake and took care of business.
Playing sports can be fun and yet there are sometimes injuries. We can do our best to keep kids safe, but some of the best learning comes from mistakes. We may not be happy about the pain, but we are very happy about the gain of a good character lesson. We believe that all things work together for good in the big picture of life.
Our vocabulary words for the week: acronym, brainstorm, cause and antagonist. "YWAP is an acronym for an organization that brainstorms for greater ways to help students reach their potential. Our cause will help young people defeat any antagonist that could destroy their potential."
Thanks for your time.
Go and do something nice for somebody.
Youth With A Purpose Inc.
157 Locust Street
Buffalo, New York 14204
[email protected]
We do appreciate and need your financial help.
You can write a check to YWAP, we are a non-profit 501c3.
Our online BWAP donation site may be found at:
When a candy bar fell on a climber near Mt. Everest, it hit him in the chest and he died a died a short time later. Something small and frozen dropped from over 200 feet can kill somebody. Our 9 minute character lesson on Thursday (11-12-15) was about how small things can do a lot of damage. Small actions can have large consequences. Little did we know that we would have a live demonstration during our class.
A full court shot in basketball is every players dream. Unfortunately in a very small gym with a large crowd, a full court shot is not a good idea. One student made the mistake of launching a full court shot. In most cases this wouldn't be a problem because everyone is watching the same game and aware of where the basketball is. Because of the large crowd, we had games at both ends. The full court shot hit another student who wasn't looking and it hurt. He immediately went after the other student in anger. It didn't last long. We explained that it was wrong and that we were sorry that the student was hurt, but the best thing was to let it go as an accident. Within less than 2 minutes, the guy who threw the ball came in and said; "I'm sorry." He was not forced or coerced in any way. He recognized his mistake and took care of business.
Playing sports can be fun and yet there are sometimes injuries. We can do our best to keep kids safe, but some of the best learning comes from mistakes. We may not be happy about the pain, but we are very happy about the gain of a good character lesson. We believe that all things work together for good in the big picture of life.
Our vocabulary words for the week: acronym, brainstorm, cause and antagonist. "YWAP is an acronym for an organization that brainstorms for greater ways to help students reach their potential. Our cause will help young people defeat any antagonist that could destroy their potential."
Thanks for your time.
Go and do something nice for somebody.
Youth With A Purpose Inc.
157 Locust Street
Buffalo, New York 14204
[email protected]
We do appreciate and need your financial help.
You can write a check to YWAP, we are a non-profit 501c3.
Our online BWAP donation site may be found at: