When Spring comes in Buffalo, there's an annual right of passage at The Bread of Life Center of Hope.
As people gather with the Love of God inside them, He shows up in how they treat other people.
Plenty of groups have chicken dinners, but something special is happening on a little street corner in Buffalo. When people have an experience of God's Love, their hearts begin to change and that influences the atmosphere in a neighborhood. God moves when there is unity. Love, if you share it He will come!
Chicken doesn't change a neighborhood, not even a rubber chicken! But something is happening at The Bread of Life Center of Hope. This week on Tuesday there's a meeting about the launch of a new youth ministry program. If you study historical revival - the time periods when God moves in a spectacular way, you will find four main commonalities:
- All revivals start after many years of old-heads sowing the seeds of God's Love.
- All revivals start with young people.
- All revivals exhibit the contagiousness of the Holy Spirit.
- All revivals experience opposition.
“Revive us again, O God! I know you will! Give us a fresh start!
Then all your people will taste your joy and gladness.”
Psalm 85:6 The Passion Translation