For more information about how you can become a YWAP supporter and volunteer, please leave a message or call us at 716-830-8240. Thanks for your time. Go do something nice for somebody.
Jesus loves you and so do we. #ywapbuffalo #ywapflagstaff #ywap4Christ #JLYASDW
YWAP Needs your Support
We need folks who will pray.
We need folks who will mentor. We need folks who will "engage in good deeds and supply pressing needs." (Titus 3:14) It does take money to run a ministry, but if we could ask for greater things than money, these are things we'd ask for: * Smile at someone and say, “It’s good to see ya!” * Make an elderly person smile. * Take a fatherless kid fishing. * Help an addict get free. * Make a homeless person feel valued. * Tell a Veteran, “Thank you for serving.” * Send an encouragement letter to an inmate. * Make a commitment to pray for the YWAP ministry. Make a commitment to join our outreach #TeamJesus. * Through your words & actions let someone know, “Jesus loves you and so do we.” If you give us money it will be used for socks, shoes, and coats for the homeless and fishing gear for fatherless kids. From time to time we put gas in the tank. We buy lots of food. We assemble Compassion Food Boxes with household essentials for folks who find themselves in hard times. There are no salaries at YWAP, all donations go into ministry opportunities. Thanks for your time. Go do something nice for somebody. Jesus loves you and so do we. #CompassionMinistriesFlagstaff #ywap4Christ #JLYASDW Youth With A Purpose Inc. is a community-based organization that depends on community support. You can join us as a mentor, speaker, volunteer, prayer supporter or help us financially. We are a 501(c)3 and your donations are tax deductible. You can donate online at the link above, scan the QR Code at the right into your phone. Our experiences in urban ministry have helped us publish a number of books. All proceeds from our books go toward ministry programs. Please consider passing on one of our books to anybody looking to grow closer to God. Thank you. You can buy them online or we'll send you one for a donation of any amount. Prayer The Book - A simple book written by a simple guy about simple prayer. Wisdom From The Hood - Lessons from An Inner-city Youth Mentor*Version*=1&*entries*=0 Mentorology Volume One - Building A Mentorship 49 X 3:16 - There is more than one 3:16 in the Bible, this is a journey through all 49 3:16's. Vashti's Response - Adventures In Healing, Life After Rejection.*Version*=1&*entries*=0 Heavenly Happenings - How The God of Heaven Revealed Himself To Me By Linda Kuebler Strong Men Great Dads - A Personal Life Manual For Men A 13 week Biblical Leadership course teaching men how to respect women and become responsible fathers. |
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Please join our email list if you would like to keep up to date on YWAPportuniies to serve the fatherless, the homeless, and hopeless folks from all walks of life.
YWAP empowers people to become collaborators in a community effort to create a better world for children and their families. Investing in youth is a preemptive strike against sexual abuse, drug addiction and human trafficking.
We appreciate your prayers and support. For more information about YWAP programs, to volunteer or learn about how to pray for us, please call: 716-830-8240 or email, [email protected].