The Lord called seven angels together for a special Christmas assignment. He gifted them all with seven different Spirits of Poverty. His instructions to them were simple: “
“You are to visit the earth and choose special people worthy of receiving the Blessing of Deficit.
In the season of giving you are to take away something of value that causes a deficit reaction.
Each person you use to take something from will be given a special assignment.
They will be endowed with a Spirit of Poverty to measure compassion in the people around them.”
The overseer for this project was Wisdom. He was available for counsel and to dispense advice when needed. The angels were given the ability to use the Seven Spirits of Poverty in any manner that Wisdom would advise.
The Seven Poverty’s could be shared with a person one at a time, in multiples or all seven at once. A person with a greater number of Poverty’s was in turn granted the highest eternal value as compensation.
After the angels selected those whom would become impoverished, they would select strategic locations for Poverty Placements.
Some Poverty’s were conspicuous and easily seen, while others were obscure and hidden to the hardened heart.
All poverty is not readily perceived, but truly compassionate people develop a keen heart for recognizing people with deficits.
Coming next: The Knowledge of Seven Poverty’s
“Looking intently at his followers,
Jesus began his sermon.
“How enriched you become
when you are a beggar,
for you will experience
the reality of God’s kingdom.
How filled you become when
you are consumed with hunger and desire,
for you will be completely satisfied.
How content you become when
you weep with complete brokenness,
for you will laugh with unrestrained joy.
How favored you become when
you are hated, excommunicated, or slandered,
or when your name is spoken of as evil
because of your love for me, the Son of Man.
I promise you that
as you experience these things,
you will celebrate and dance
with overflowing joy,
and the heavenly reward of your faith
will be abundant,
because you are being treated the same way
as your forefathers the prophets.”
Luke 6:20-23 TPT
Wednesday, December 8, 2021
Doney Park, AZ
The Lord called seven angels together for a special Christmas assignment. He gifted them all with seven different Spirits of Poverty. His instructions to them were simple: “
“You are to visit the earth and choose special people worthy of receiving the Blessing of Deficit.
In the season of giving you are to take away something of value that causes a deficit reaction.
Each person you use to take something from will be given a special assignment.
They will be endowed with a Spirit of Poverty to measure compassion in the people around them.”
The overseer for this project was Wisdom. He was available for counsel and to dispense advice when needed. The angels were given the ability to use the Seven Spirits of Poverty in any manner that Wisdom would advise.
The Seven Poverty’s could be shared with a person one at a time, in multiples or all seven at once. A person with a greater number of Poverty’s was in turn granted the highest eternal value as compensation.
After the angels selected those whom would become impoverished, they would select strategic locations for Poverty Placements.
Some Poverty’s were conspicuous and easily seen, while others were obscure and hidden to the hardened heart.
All poverty is not readily perceived, but truly compassionate people develop a keen heart for recognizing people with deficits.
Coming next: The Knowledge of Seven Poverty’s
“Looking intently at his followers,
Jesus began his sermon.
“How enriched you become
when you are a beggar,
for you will experience
the reality of God’s kingdom.
How filled you become when
you are consumed with hunger and desire,
for you will be completely satisfied.
How content you become when
you weep with complete brokenness,
for you will laugh with unrestrained joy.
How favored you become when
you are hated, excommunicated, or slandered,
or when your name is spoken of as evil
because of your love for me, the Son of Man.
I promise you that
as you experience these things,
you will celebrate and dance
with overflowing joy,
and the heavenly reward of your faith
will be abundant,
because you are being treated the same way
as your forefathers the prophets.”
Luke 6:20-23 TPT
Wednesday, December 8, 2021
Doney Park, AZ