The Poverty of Personality
Time in heaven wasn’t measured. Time on earth passed away, but in heaven the angels dwelt in waves of knowledge in the sounds of many waters. They were ageless creatures who went to and fro between the worlds in a constant movement without measurement. Wisdom led the angels in an everlasting stirring to esteem mankind as higher than themselves.
On this day two of their training in the Poverty’s of Christmas, the angels gathered in the Chamber of Shabbat. Mankind on earth had taken the concept of Shabbat and measured it by a weekly Sabbath. It was supposed to be a time of resting in Wisdom, but people had turned it into a measured time of rest from responsibility. This had adversely affected the nature of their character.
Today Wisdom would impart knowledge to the angels regarding the Poverty of Personality. In the silence of unquenchable love, Wisdom began to share his insights on the personalities of closed-mindedness.
You will use this Spirit of Poverty to create distance and disagreement between people. To those upon whom you will cast the shadow of the Poverty of Personality, they will develop Brick Hearts.
1. The mind is made up and refuses to be teachable.
2. It is polarized in extreme beliefs.
3. It disrespects opposing viewpoints.
4. It mocks differing beliefs.
5. Intolerance is worshipped.
6. Discrimination is promoted.
7. Prejudice is rabidly pursued.
Wisdom continued giving his instructions to the angels. “The Poverty of Personality is a Relationship Destroyer.
Your focus will be on those with hardened hearts.
Your visitation with them will serve to solidify their hardheartedness.
You must stay indifferent to their plight and remain compassionless.”
There are those who seek to understand and pursue teachability. To these people you have been given the power to drop small insights into hearts that are open and unbricked. Most people agree on more than they disagree on. Find the Middle Ground of Agreement and build from there.
Brick Hearts can only be dismantled by knowing their molecular makeup. Clay is cut into a shape and baked at intense heat. Afterward it is dusted with grains of sand as it hardens.
The only way to take down a brick heart is to patiently, gracefully remove one grain of sand at a time. As you remove the grains of sand, drop them at your feet. When enough grains of sand are dropped, it will create middle ground.
While the angels were still gathered in the presence of Wisdom, he gave them a Coaching Capstone to complete the training.
“Jesus died on middle ground between two men.
One of them had a Teachable Spirit.
The other was afflicted with the Poverty of Personality and a Brick Heart.
Jesus gave grace to the teachable and forgiveness to the unknowing.
To those who see the Truth, know the Truth
and refuse the Truth,
to them will be given an Everlasting Brick Heart.
Jesus may have died on Middle Ground,
but that was only the beginning.
Always remember,
it was an angel like you
who rolled away the Resurrection Stone
to reveal a Teachable Moment about
the Headstone of Redemption.”
“While they were nailing Jesus to the cross, he prayed over and over, “Father, forgive them, for they don’t know what they’re doing.”
Luke 23:34 TPT
“And never let ugly or hateful words come from your mouth, but instead let your words become beautiful gifts that encourage others; do this by speaking words of grace to help them. Lay aside bitter words, temper tantrums, revenge, profanity, and insults. But instead be kind and affectionate toward one another. Has God graciously forgiven you? Then graciously forgive one another in the depths of Christ’s love.”
Ephesians 4:29, 31-32 TPT
Saturday, December 11, 2021
6:24 AM
Doney Park, AZ
The Poverty of Personality
Time in heaven wasn’t measured. Time on earth passed away, but in heaven the angels dwelt in waves of knowledge in the sounds of many waters. They were ageless creatures who went to and fro between the worlds in a constant movement without measurement. Wisdom led the angels in an everlasting stirring to esteem mankind as higher than themselves.
On this day two of their training in the Poverty’s of Christmas, the angels gathered in the Chamber of Shabbat. Mankind on earth had taken the concept of Shabbat and measured it by a weekly Sabbath. It was supposed to be a time of resting in Wisdom, but people had turned it into a measured time of rest from responsibility. This had adversely affected the nature of their character.
Today Wisdom would impart knowledge to the angels regarding the Poverty of Personality. In the silence of unquenchable love, Wisdom began to share his insights on the personalities of closed-mindedness.
You will use this Spirit of Poverty to create distance and disagreement between people. To those upon whom you will cast the shadow of the Poverty of Personality, they will develop Brick Hearts.
1. The mind is made up and refuses to be teachable.
2. It is polarized in extreme beliefs.
3. It disrespects opposing viewpoints.
4. It mocks differing beliefs.
5. Intolerance is worshipped.
6. Discrimination is promoted.
7. Prejudice is rabidly pursued.
Wisdom continued giving his instructions to the angels. “The Poverty of Personality is a Relationship Destroyer.
Your focus will be on those with hardened hearts.
Your visitation with them will serve to solidify their hardheartedness.
You must stay indifferent to their plight and remain compassionless.”
There are those who seek to understand and pursue teachability. To these people you have been given the power to drop small insights into hearts that are open and unbricked. Most people agree on more than they disagree on. Find the Middle Ground of Agreement and build from there.
Brick Hearts can only be dismantled by knowing their molecular makeup. Clay is cut into a shape and baked at intense heat. Afterward it is dusted with grains of sand as it hardens.
The only way to take down a brick heart is to patiently, gracefully remove one grain of sand at a time. As you remove the grains of sand, drop them at your feet. When enough grains of sand are dropped, it will create middle ground.
While the angels were still gathered in the presence of Wisdom, he gave them a Coaching Capstone to complete the training.
“Jesus died on middle ground between two men.
One of them had a Teachable Spirit.
The other was afflicted with the Poverty of Personality and a Brick Heart.
Jesus gave grace to the teachable and forgiveness to the unknowing.
To those who see the Truth, know the Truth
and refuse the Truth,
to them will be given an Everlasting Brick Heart.
Jesus may have died on Middle Ground,
but that was only the beginning.
Always remember,
it was an angel like you
who rolled away the Resurrection Stone
to reveal a Teachable Moment about
the Headstone of Redemption.”
“While they were nailing Jesus to the cross, he prayed over and over, “Father, forgive them, for they don’t know what they’re doing.”
Luke 23:34 TPT
“And never let ugly or hateful words come from your mouth, but instead let your words become beautiful gifts that encourage others; do this by speaking words of grace to help them. Lay aside bitter words, temper tantrums, revenge, profanity, and insults. But instead be kind and affectionate toward one another. Has God graciously forgiven you? Then graciously forgive one another in the depths of Christ’s love.”
Ephesians 4:29, 31-32 TPT
Saturday, December 11, 2021
6:24 AM
Doney Park, AZ