Session #6
"What Goes Around Comes Around - UNLESS YOU STOP IT!"
We covered a lot of ground in today's time together at the Sunshine Rescue Mission. We read a story about a young boy and his troubled relationship with his dad. You can read it below. We told a story about God's power of redemption that took over 50 years to make it happen. A little girl was given up for adoption by her Dad after his wife died shortly after giving birth. She found him on his deathbed through God orchestrated circumstances and they had a tearful reunion. His first words to her were, "I never should have given you up!"
God used the remorse of a father on his deathbed to resurrect a father-daughter relationship. He died soon after, but he will see his daughter again in heaven.
Our class was comically interrupted by "Orange Cone Thieves." The Mission has orange cones outside to help control the flow of guys who come in for meals. Several men took the cones and were walking down the street with them. Several guys ran outside to retrieve the cones. We had a good laugh as we prayed for guys who may have needed the cones to become like the "cone-heads" on Saturday Night Live.
Our class closed with some great discussion on how to control anger and avoid resentment Here are some of the guys responses concerning anger:
- Walk Away
- Read the Bible
- Set Boundaries
- Pray
- Talk It Over
- Forgive
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