We use a Life Manual called Strong Men Great Dads, but sometimes we just go with the flow of life. Sometimes we stop talking and call a guy who can't be there because he's sick or hurting. We stop what we're doing and make a prayer phone call. Guys have to demonstrate that they truly care for one another.
Sometimes the subject of the weekly gathering is given to us by God. Yes. this is a Biblically based Leadership program for men. We need to know how to love the same way that God loves us.Sometimes a guy is going through a difficult life situation. We become listeners and ask god for the wisdom to help him know that we've got his back.
So far we've launched two Man Caves in the midst of a pandemic.We believe that many more will be launched soon. This Man Movement is about men helping each other respect themselves, respect women and know how to be responsible fathers.
We can't tell you the details of what is shared inside a man Cave. We have a "ManCode4Life" that we live by; "What happens in the Man Cave, Stays in the Man Cave." Each week we'll give you a glimpse of the teachings with out the personal information shared by the Man Cavers.
If you are Man or know a Man who is hungering to join a Man Movement and enter a Man Cave, please contact us. Time is of the essence for Men to ManUp!
Thanks for your time. Go do something nice for somebody. Jesus loves you and so do we.