BWAP XXIX will go down in history as the very first ever BWAP Thanksgiving. It started small when some very special folks volunteered to sponsor, cook and serve our young men a turkey dinner. The tenderness of their hearts turned into a tsunami of compassion.
When the young men heard about the special efforts being put forth on their behalf, the wanted their families to share in the special event. After that it was the church folks who wanted to receive as they've already given so much. One young man suggested we invite former BWAP Speakers to come and celebrate the uniqueness of BWAP. So it grew and it's still growing!
A place of acceptance is what BWAP represents. It's hard to send the guys home on a Thursday night. Maybe someday they can stay longer s BWAP grows. Our goal is to add 3 more community centers in the next year. Young men 18-30 deserve to have some life direction to help them reach their potential.
People are needed to help young men reach their purpose in life. Have you reached your purpose in life? Maybe you are called to mentor and coach young people.
It only takes $5 a week to sponsor a guy at BWAP. What does $5 get? Two hours of exercise, a home-style dinner and a 9 Minute Life-Direction Speech from a guest Speaker. Thursday night at BWAP is only one night that opens the door to a relationship for life. Some guys are even provided with transportation to and from the gym. You can give any amount.
Thank you to everybody who has prayed, volunteered, and donated to youth With A Purpose.
Thanks for your time. Go and do something nice for somebody.
Youth With A Purpose Inc.
157 Locust Street
Buffalo, New York 14204
[email protected]
We do appreciate and need your prayers, volunteer support and financial help.
You can write a check to YWAP, we are a non-profit 501c3.
Our online BWAP donation site may be found at: