Overview and Positional Structure
BWAP - Brothers With A Purpose
The long-term goal of the BWAP program is to teach young men how to be Christ-centered role models who mentor the next generation. By helping young men in this age group to build solutions to poverty and violence, they will help future generations avoid destructive life cycles that have plagued America's inner-cities.
BWAP Senior Game Plan
Each week the young men 16-30 yrs. old will play basketball from 7-8:15 pm. At approximately 8:15 pm, we call half-time and the young men move into another room to listen to a Life Direction Speaker. Each week a guest speaker will give a 9-minute talk on one or more of components of the YWAP Building Character program. The speech will only last 9 minutes and is called a 9MD - 9 Minute Direction. Possible speakers include: Business owners, Law Enforcement, Pastors, Teachers, College and Military Recruiters, Professional Athletes and young people who have been a part of the BWAP Character Program. The presentation is 9 minutes, but the guys are given the opportunity to enter into more personal discussions after the initial program. After the speaker is done food is served as a family meal. Any remaining time is then used during a return to the basketball court. Approximate duration of BWAP is 2.5 hrs.
As an extension of the relationships that we form with these young men, several relationship building activities occur each week. We offer weekly Bible studies called "YWAP Character Building for Coaches." Monthly birthday celebrations, opportunities to attend church and special events also happen each month.
Buffalo Site One
- Who: Inner-city young men, 16-30 yrs. old.
- What: Basketball, Food and Life Direction.
- Where: Expressway Assembly, 260 Eggert Road, Buffalo, NY 14215
- When: Every Thursday 7-9:30 pm.
- Why: To help inner-city young men become Christ-centered role models who mentor the next generation.
Character Building for YWAP Coaches - "A Game Plan for Greatness"
All young men who graduate from the YWAP Game Plan for Greatness will become eligible for YWAP Coaching positions in After School Programs and Community Centers.
BWAP Positional Structure
BWAP Senior Director
- Responsible for over-all activities at each BWAP Center for 16-30 yr. old young men.
- Spiritual Director and Prayer Leader.
- Builds relationships with young men.
- Responsible to Director
- Responsible for being aware of overall spiritual atmosphere of BWAP Center.
- Builds relationships with young men.
- Responsible for greeting young men with a smile and making them feel special.
- Responsible for sign-in sheet - all visitors must sign in.
- Responsible for collection of $1 from each visitor.
- Builds relationships with young men.
- Responsible for dinner preparations and kitchen cleanup.
- Responsible for coordinating meals with Score-Mentor.
- Builds relationships with young men.
- Responsible for cleanup in kitchen and dining room.
- Builds relationships with young men.
- Responsible for scheduling churches and community groups to sponsor BWAP dinners.
- Responsible for letting sponsors know that their primary role is to build relationships with young men.
- Responsible for overall atmosphere and physical upkeep of gym.
- Builds relationships with young men.
- Responsible for operation of scoreboard.
- Builds relationships with young men.
- Responsible for presiding over games.
- Builds relationships with young men.
- Responsible for picture taking.
- Responsible for social media networking.
- Builds relationships with young men.
- Responsible for scheduling 9MD Speakers.
- Responsible to BWAP Director for reporting on who the Speaker will be each week.
- Builds relationships with young men.
Youth With A Purpose Inc.
157 Locust Street
Buffalo, N.Y. 14204