Will you be ready to meet God when your time on earth is up? Rev. Will shared a deep and gut-wrenching story about a young man who became his foster child. The boy's mom had asked Will if he would let him move in and become a father to him. Both the boy and Will agreed. Rev. Will asked the boy when he wanted to move in and his reply was Sept 19. "Why Sept 19?" Asked Will. The boy said he just felt like it was a good day.
Any plans that we make can be interrupted unexpectedly. On Sept 19, the boy died from a stab wound. An argument in a school cafeteria over spilling milk led to an altercation on a metro bus where the boy was stabbed. He died in the hospital a short time later - on the day he was to move in with Will. The good part of the story is that the young had a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. Rev. Will's life is all about showing the love of Christ in a real and tangible way through his actions. Young people come to know Christ because of how Rev. Will lets Christ live through him. He is a father to an immeasurable number of young people.
Plenty of young guys grow up without a father. many think that their Mom has been both a Mom & a Dad. While the Mom's have done a spectacular job as single parents in very challenging environment, they cannot take the place of a father. A dad can't be a mom and a mom can't be a dad. God gave both a special role to play and taking either mom or dad out of the family leaves a missing heartbeat. Thank you, Rev. Will Coplin, for letting your heart go the extra mile and become a Father's heartbeat to a whole generation. Jesus loves you and so do we.
Thanks for your time. Go do something nice for somebody.
Youth With A Purpose Inc.
157 Locust Street
Buffalo, New York 14204
[email protected]
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