When Matt spoke to the BWAP young men for 9 minutes, it became readily apparent that his words were meant to last a lifetime. He told a very personal story about fatherhood and following the wrong path in life. Men are supposed to be rock solid role models for their children. Men are supposed to love their wives the way Christ loved the church. Men are supposed to hold other men accountable (gracefully for we all have failed.)
Alcohol can be a personal choice or a personal god. Many men and women have lost their family relationships due to their pursuit of a place to hide (or running from the truth of their own failures.) Matt shared a lot of wisdom in a deeply personal and relational way. All of us have personal pain, there is no escaping that truth this side of heaven. Matt gave the young men a heart-driven message of wisdom that has the power to save them from many wrong life-choices.
Proverbs 3:5-6 was the foundation from which Matt built his message.
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge him,and he will make straight your paths."
The writer of this story has seen Matt interact with his wife and children. His behavior paints a very clear picture of someone whose heart is leaning on God. He is deeply in love with his God, his wife, his children and his friends. I've never seen him with an enemy, but I'm sure he would lean on God and seek understanding in how to love them too! Thanks Matt for all you do for so many people. Jesus loves you and so do we.
One of the greatest shots that I have ever seen took place last night. In the middle of a game, a young man's glasses fell off as the ball was passed to him. He quickly bent over to retrieve the glasses, out them on and then grabbed the ball and flung up a long distance 3 pointer that hit nothing but net. It was a shot for the ages!
Using the scoreboard is one of our greatest relationship building tools. Games are limited to 10 minutes with a 1 minute overtime for tied games. This allows more guys to play and also plays a role in controlling emotions. Hopefully we can have enough volunteers to operate the clock every week.
Thanks for your time. Go and do something nice for somebody.
Youth With A Purpose Inc.
157 Locust Street
Buffalo, New York 14204
[email protected]
We do appreciate and need your prayers, volunteer support and financial help.
You can write a check to YWAP, we are a non-profit 501c3.
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