BWAP is a program designed to teach young men how to be Christ-centered role models who are:
- Committed to serve,
- Courageous to lead,
- Consistently developing as servant leaders
- Commanding respect by leading the next generation with integrity.
BWAP Senior Game Plan
A basketball is simply a relationship building tool. Each week the young men 18-30 yrs. old will play basketball from 7-8:15 pm. At approximately 8:15pm, we call halftime and the young men move into another room to listen to a Life Devotion/Direction Speaker. Each week a guest speaker gives a 9-minute talk on one or more components of the YWAP Building Character program. The speech will only last 9 minutes and is called a 9MD - 9 Minute Devotion or Direction.
Possible speakers include: Business owners, Law Enforcement, Pastors, former addicts, former alcoholics, former gangsters, women who have overcome abuse, Teachers, College and Military Recruiters, Professional Athletes and young people who have been a part of the BWAP Character Program. In the event that a speaker does not use a Bible verse as part of his 9 minutes, the BWAP Team will always give God credit through the Gospel after the Speaker is done..
The presentation is 9 minutes, but the young guys can enter into more personal discussions after the speaker is done. Prayer is then offered by one of the young men and food is served as a family meal. After dinner the guys head back to the basketball court.
As an extension of the relationships that we form with these young men, several relationship building activities occur each week. We offer weekly Bible studies called "YWAP Character Building for Coaches." Monthly birthday celebrations, opportunities to attend church and special events also happen each month. A "Grill & A Prayer" features a sidewalk grilling with young men praying. We also take the young men on a Leadership Retreat to a cabin in Rushford, NY.
BWAP Site One (Our goal is three more Buffalo sites in 2016.)
- Who: Inner-city young men, 18-30 yrs. old.
- What: Basketball, Food and Life Direction.
- Where: Expressway Assembly, 260 Eggert Road, Buffalo, NY 14215
- When: Every Thursday 7-9:30 pm.
- Why: To help inner-city young men to develop into good character role models who disciple and guide the younger generation.
"A Game Plan for Greatness - Mentoring & Leadership Through The Bible"
The Youth With A Purpose Mission Statement is:
“We help inner-city young men become Christ-centered mentors
who teach children how to build their way out of poverty and violence.”
All young men who graduate from the YWAP Game Plan for Greatness will become eligible for YWAP Coaching positions in the BWAP Middle School After School programs and Summer Basketball Leagues.
Please keep us in prayer as we look to expand God's territory through BWAP in other cities. Possible expansion sites include, Niagara Falls, NY, Huntington, WV, West Seneca, NY and Buffalo, NY. Please contact us to learn more about BWAP. 716-830-8240 [email protected]
Thanks for your time. Go do something nice for somebody.
Jesus loves you and so do we.
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