What do you make of a story that literally destroys common sense?
Accepting God's Word as infallible can be perplexing.
Pathways to understanding the Bible are like switchbacks on a mountain trail. As soon as you think you've got God figured out, the trail switches in a new direction.
On Sunday morning 8/26/18, 10:30 AM at Last Days Fellowship, the YWAP Director examines one of the most troubling passages in the Bible. In Genesis 22:1-19 we read a shocking story about an elderly father named Abraham who believes God told him to kill his only beloved son. It sounds crazy, God is against killing, it says so in His Ten Commandments, would God go against His own Law?
The story is called The Binding of Isaac or The Akedah in Hebrew and Jewish tradition. The story is so important that it is read during Rosh Hashanah or the Jewish New Year. Most folks think the story is about the testing of Abraham, but that's only a small part of the story.
Maybe the real test is for you and me to look a little deeper into what we think the Bible means. The Truth is: the Bible is the inerrant, infallible, unmistakable Word of God. That does not mean we follow it blindly without discerning what it means to us as we follow God's will for our lives. I call it "Truth-Truth." There are deeper meanings that must be sought to be found. Are you willing to be a seeker of the heights of God on the switchbacks of His mountains?
Come visit Last Days Fellowship on Southside Parkway in Buffalo, NY near Abbott and across from the OTB. Stay tuned for more. We'll share with you what we've found as we unpack the story of Father Abraham and the binding of his only beloved son Isaac.