We played some type of sports year round and our Dad's and Mom's helped to create the Lake View Little League. We were Boy Scouts and we bowled at the Lake View Fire Hall. Our Lady of Perpetual Help was the scene of many escapades with kindly (most of them) nuns and priests who tutored us in godly character. I don't know about you, but for me it's just starting to sink in now!
After many years of raising my own children, God moved me into the hoods of Buffalo. I guess he felt that we should show some love to the many fatherless kids who knew how to shoot basketballs and guns. The foundation of love and neighborliness that was built in Lake View is becoming the foundation of change in the inner-city. The generosity of Lake View is reaching from North Carolina, West Virginia, Michigan, California and many other locations.
Plenty of folks are getting older and gaining some time to think about sharing what we've learned in Lake View. I'm grateful for all of you Fellow Lake Viewians. You are a force of love to be reckoned with. Thank you for stretching yourselves to make a difference in the lives of young people in Buffalo. YWAP is growing. We are reaching young men 18-30 yrs. old and helping them become YWAP Coaches in our after school Program for 5-8th Grades in the Buffalo Schools. All children should be given the opportunity to experience a Lake View kind of love.
1. ADOPT A BWAP DINNER - Each Thursday Night at Expressway Assembly we serve a Meal for BWAP. This is an excellent way for your church, youth group or community group to serve some young men from the inner-city. You bring the food and use our kitchen to prepare the food. Our numbers vary between 20 - 40 people each Thursday night.
2. BWAP Adoption - For only $5 per week, you can sponsor a young person from the inner-city between the ages of 18-30 yrs. old. For every $5, a young guy gets over 2 hrs of physical exercise through basketball, a 9MD (9 Minute Life Direction) and a home-style meal. We are a mentoring organization and everything we do is designed to create a more beneficial relationship. We help guys with their education, employment, community service, safe place to live and a relationship with God. Some guys also receive transportation to and from BWAP.
3. 9MD Speaker - If you have some wisdom to pass along to young guys then we would be happy to discuss how you might do that. You would come on a Thursday night and speak for 9 minutes. After your 9 minutes are up, you are welcome to form relationships with the guys as they eat an awesome meal.
1. Media Newscaster
2. 9MD Speaker Coordinator
3. Kitchen Coordinator
4. After School Coaches
5. Mentors
6. Volunteers
7. Good Neighbor Philanthropy.
8. Bills Night Out Team-Player.
Thanks for your time. Go and do something nice for somebody.
Youth With A Purpose Inc.
157 Locust Street
Buffalo, New York 14204
[email protected]
We do appreciate and need your financial help.
You can write a check to YWAP, we are a non-profit 501c3.
Our online BWAP donation site may be found at:
http://www.gofundme.com/w5p6ee4 .