​ With humor and stories we covered many topics that the young people wanted to discuss. Decision making, focus, goal setting, setting new habits, avoiding bad habits (and bad friends) were just a few of our discussions.
​ A few of the students were already energized in the learning process by a great presentation from two young ladies. They gave good information with entertaining facts and wordplay.
​ Plenty of summertime fun can be had both in and outside of the classroom. Niagara Falls High School students have the benefit of some dedicated Health Teachers. It was a great day in the Falls Neighborhood!
​ If you would like a YWAP presentation that will help your students "Laugh, Listen & Learn" about the toughest issues life has to offer, please call us. 716-830-8240
​ Thanks for your time. Go do something nice for somebody. Jesus loves you and so do we. #ywap #laughlistenlearn #JLYASDW ​