When NFL Star Lorenzo Alexander was telling a story about someone who was close to him. He said the guy had more talent than he had, but he made some bad decisions and is doing 10 years in jail.
After the Breakfast, we were fortunate enough to get Lorenzo's autograph along with a note to the young man, whose call we missed. His note is posted below.
Please persevere in your commitment to someone you might know who's in jail. They may not be acting like they are living a changed life, but there is always hope. Are you one of God's chosen tools of hope for a young person?.
Here's what Lorenzo wrote:
Stay encouraged and uplifted knowing God loves you and is your rock!
You have people that love you and support you as well,
and if you ever need to talk I'm there.
God bless
Lorenzo Alexander
YWAP is recruiting! If you're interested in helping young men become Christ-centered role models who mentor the next generation, please contact us. We are recruiting a Board Member, volunteers, prayer partners, mentors, Nine Minute Speakers and financial partners.
[email protected]
Thanks for your time. Go do something nice for somebody.
Jesus loves you and so do we.