When they spoke about Mike, they talked about his changed life and how he gave his life to Christ.
A lot of folks picked Bibles, Jesus Bracelets and a book about life change called The Potter's Perfect Piece.
Pastor Giles ended the Prayer Vigil by asking everyone wearing a Jesus Bracelet to raise their hands toward heaven and tell Mike: "JESUS LOVES YOU AND SO DO WE!"
RIP - Raised In Peace - Michael Herrera - A Husband, A Dad, A Son, A Brother, A Friend, An Employee and a FOLLOWER OF JESUS CHRIST.
God loves you so much that he let His own boy get bodied on a cross. to forgive us of all our wrongs that we call sin. That boy was a mother's son named Jesus. He suffered, died and was buried and rose again from the dead. God offers you the best part of that experience - new life by believing in Jesus.
There's nobody here that's better than anyone else. We're all the same, except maybe I'm a little worse because I'm older than ya all and by virtue of being an old head - I've sinned more! We're all the same because we have tears in our eyes. Some of ya'all hold your tears back. Don't hold back. Some of the harshest words ever spoken were "Don't cry!" Jesus cried many times. He cried when his friend Lazarus died. I cried because Michael died.
I know some things about Mike that some of you don't. Mike accepted Jesus into his heart and now I know he's living a new life in heaven. Somebody murdered his body but now he has a new life where everything is good. Mike went through a life-change because he believed in Jesus Christ. What about you! If you died today, would you join Mike in heaven with Christ or would you go to hell? Don't hold back.
I can imagine Mike in heaven smiling at folks who came to show love for him. I can imagine him saying; "Yo Jesus those are my peeps and my family as he wipes a tear from his eyes." And maybe Jesus responds and says: "Yeah Mike, they love you and so do I." If I could ask for Mike to do one thing it would be to urge all of you to accept Christ into your lives today. Maybe the last thing Mike does today from heaven is this. He reaches down, parts the clouds cups his hands together and yells; "Jesus loves you and so do I!"
Ask God right now to make Himself real to you. Open up your heart. Admit you're not perfect and admit you need a life change. The Cross of Christ represents your chance to change your life and begin a new life. Tell Jesus you want to believe in Him and ask Him to show you how to be sorry for your sins. Admit them, believe in Him and ask Him to change your life. Ask someone else to hold you accountable for your actions as a believer in Jesus. Read a Bible beginning in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Find a group of folks who want to learn about the deeper things of God through His Word. If you need help, call us, 716830-8240.
Don't hold back.