Ahhhhhhhh, another Thanksgiving has passed. Another dinner over; folks with full bellies were sprawled on the floor with care, unable to move or even fit in a chair. Yeah, many of us eat way too much during the holidays. It's like somebody gives us a license to over eat once in awhile. Thankfully, the stomach has a limited capacity. If you keep adding food to a full stomach, your body will eventually reject it. Your brain is unlimited in its capacity to grasp new ideas or reinforce old habits. Seize the day or delay until tomorrow? Either choice may be okay; it depends on your circumstances and consequences.
People seemed to be wired with a "path of least resistance" brain wave. We bask in the glow of instant gratification. Impulsivity can be a destructive diet composed of impatience and selfishness. As a Mentor your goal is to teach patience and prudence.
"Daddy, why doesn't Mr. Imprudens have any apples on his trees this year?" Asked the Heart Farmers daughter. "We have apples and he doesn't, how can that be?" The big man in coveralls looked down at his precious daughter and smiled as he said: "Well my darling Beauty, it's a matter of being patient with Mother Nature. You see, my little sweet pea, our neighbors wanted their trees to grow more apples and they tried to help them grow. They fertilized too much and they pruned too much and they planted their trees in the wrong place. "The little girl looked sad as she stared down at her muck boots. Suddenly her little face brightened like a wet leaf glistening in the sun after a summer rain. Beauty looked up at her Dad, squinting her eyes in the strong sun rays and said: "Daddy, can we share our apples with Mr. Imprudens?" The Heart Farmer smiled a smile that stretched from the top of his straw hat to the bottom of his mud splattered boots. "Yes my little Beauty, we can share with the Imprudens Family."
Teaching patience and prudence takes patience and prudence. You will reap what you sow in the proper season. Be patient!
Character is making sound moral decisions. Character is built through the experience of witnessing other people make moral decisions. My parents signed me up for Boy Scouts at a very young age. Seeds were planted in my character that took many years to grow. You may not be into Boy Scouts but the following "Brain Food" will help you and the person you Mentor develop a healthy "Character Diet."
Boy Scout Oath or Promise
On my honor, I will do my best To do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; To help other people at all times; To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight.
Boy Scout Law
A Scout is: • Trustworthy, • Loyal, • Helpful, • Friendly, • Courteous, • Kind, • Obedient, • Cheerful, • Thrifty, • Brave, • Clean, • Reverent.
Boy Scout Motto Be Prepared!
I use the words "Be Prepared" almost everyday. Preparedness is the plan that helps you achieve goals and avoid disasters. Patience and prudence are tools in the planning process. Many years ago in several different books, there was a list of virtues published that would be good for anyone to follow.
1. Feed hungry folks. (That's great brain food!) 2. Give drink to thirsty folks. 3. Lend a hand to a stranger in need. 4. Cover those who are exposed. 5. Visit sick folks. 6. Visit jailed folks.
Go build your character as you feed virtuous character to the people you Mentor by being a good role model.
Thanks for your time. Go do something nice for somebody.