It was a beautiful day in the neighborhood for a Circle the City Prayer Walk with Life Church Buffalo and Pastor Craig McLeod. We visited Steps Ministriesand spoke with Ben Tagg who is one of this years leaders for the Breakout City Ministry. We walked from the Seneca Babcock Area down to Jefferson and over to Teen Challenge of Western New York Prayer and snow are the norm in Buffalo. These pictures only represent a small look at what Pastor Craig and Life Church accomplished thas week. each day was life changing. Teen Challenge of Western New York was the meeting place for Pastor Craig McLeod of Life Church Buffalo on the third day of the Circle the City Prayer Walk. Pastor Mike Wing was there to talk about Breakout 2015 along with the Directors of Teen Challenge. From thee, Pastor Craig met up with Pastor Eric Johns from The Dream Center. Life Church, The Dream Center, Steps, Breakout, Teen Challenge and many more make up a great Holy Spirit collaboration in the City of Buffalo! We visited a family in one of the programs sponsored by the Dream Center. The Holy Spirit does not have any language barriers! JLYASDW | |