Sunday, February 23, 2014
There is a rampant and highly contagious heart/sexual disease that is spread though dis-sexual contact. The incubation of this disease begins in the heart and soul of someone who is abused sexually. After the initial abuse and sometimes repeated abuse, the heart becomes infected with the dirt carried by the abuser. Unable to remove the dirt (or dirty feeling) the abused and disrespected victim begins to believe that they themselves are dirty. The disrespect begins to fester and boil in their soul until they begin to act in a disrespectful and dirty manner. Ultimately the disrespected victim becomes a disrespectful victimizer and continues to spread the dis-sexual disease.
Sex is meant to be a beautiful and endearing act of love. The spread of Dis-sexual Disease is a disturbing trend of self disrespect that is destroying the potential of love. Statistics prove that a very high number of children are dis-sexually abused. Too often we focus on the effect and not on the cause. Putting dis-sexual predators in jail does nothing to stop the cause of dis-sexual disease. Counseling dis-sexually abused victims is a cause breaker that will heal people and destroy disease.
If you are someone who has been disrespected, you need to believe: "I don't have to be what happened to me." You are not the dirt that you feel. You are not the person who was abused. You are not the same person today that you were yesterday. You are perfect just the way you are. There is nobody like you in the past. There's nobody like you in the future. There's nobody like you but you right now here in the present. Just believe that you were created for a purpose that is unique to you.
Brokenness is the first step in the growth process. The farmer breaks the ground before he let's go of the seed. After he lets go, he plans for the future and builds a barn and silo to store his crops. Let go of your dreams into the brokenness of your life and plan for a future filled with hope. When you are feeling darkness close over you, imagine yourself as a seed buried in the soil of God's heart. He will never leave or forget you.
Teaching children to respect and protect themselves at an early age should be proactively intense. Do not take for granted that nothing can happen to you or your child. Initiate open discussions about body parts, modesty and protection. Discuss with your child what to do if someone attempts to touch them inappropriately. Be extremely clear about what "inappropriately" means.
If you are a preteen or teenager, practice "safe behavior." That means hanging out with people you trust and avoiding dangerous situations. Many young people have been abused after somebody slipped something in their drink. Avoid people who talk about sex as if it's something cheap, fun and easy. A condom is not made in the shape of a heart. You cannot protect your heart with any kind of birth control. The best practice, the only guaranteed fool-proof method of avoiding pregnancy and STD's is abstinence.
Thanks for your time.
Go do something nice for somebody.
Mentor Force is an organization of initiators.
We help young people who are at risk of falling into poverty and violence. Our goal is to ensure that every student has the benefit of being guided by a Mentor. If we can help you reach your potential as a Mentoring organization please contact us:
716-830-8240 [email protected] Posted by Bob Kuebler at 7:47 AM