Weed is used get high or catch a buzz; it helps you to remove pain - physical or emotional. Heaven is a place where "God will wipe away all of their tears." There's no pain in heaven so why would you need weed?
According to the Bible, there was silence in heaven for about a half an hour. (Revelation 8:1) The silence was caused by all of heaven being awestruck in the overwhelming power and glory of being in God's presence. He revealed Truth.
Power is one of the main reasons folks smoke weed or do heroin. An artificially induced high give the user a temporary power over their emotions. Unfortunately the buzz is short lived - and so may the life of the person using drugs or alcohol. Since last weekend in Buffalo, NY, 11 people died from the drugs they used to get high.
The devil comes to steal, kill and destroy. The devil does not live in heaven, he dies in hell. God has a silence for you. He wants you to know what His power is like. It's not artificial power, it's a supernatural power that will literally blow you away. Get high on God and He will show you a more excellent high.
YWAP - Youth With A Purpose is successful in "Power-Moment Mentoring." We mentor in the power of the emotional moment as young people dwell on deep thoughts and life-questions.
If you are struggling to get power over an addiction that can kill you, please get help. The number for Crisis Services is 24 Hour Crisis Hotline, Buffalo and Erie County 716-834-3131 3131 24 Hour Addiction Hotline Buffalo and Erie County 716-831-7007.
If you'd like to get involved in a successful mentoring program that helps young people build their own "LifeTicket," please call YWAP at 716-830-8240.
Thanks for your time. Go do something nice for somebody.
Jesus loves you and so do we.
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