When you get a glimpse of this of this rather diminutive lady standing in the middle of a group of big young men, you might be tempted to think she looks a bit out of her natural habitat. Linda actually blends right in very easily. Linda is a weightlifter in the gym and she also knows how to lift heart-weights from folks with burdens. The work of Linda's hands as established by God is compassion. She smiles at the young men and engages them in conversation. They know she cares.
After gathering for our Bible study last Friday at City Reach Church, a young man came and stood behind Linda. The Game Plan For Greatness is a Bible Study designed to teach young men how to become role models who disciple the younger generation. The young man came to study the Bible, but he wasn't about to take his seat until he received what he wanted. Linda sensed his presence behind her and knew what he wanted. She stood up and gave him a mother's hug. The young man smiled and then took his seat.
Perhaps you may not know the importance of a hug, Linda does. When she first met the young man, she asked him a question, "Do you accept hugs?" He smiled and said yes, that was the beginning of a new relationship. Linda will tell you that the Holy Spirit inspired her to ask that question. Linda knows how to give hugs with her eyes, hugs with her ears, hugs with her smile and hugs the way most of give hugs.
Holding hearts
Understanding needs.
Grace is freely given.
Spirit led.
Thank you Linda for all you do for the young people at YWAP. Thank you for sharing your heart with folks who need prayer. Thank you for sharing you God given gift of prophetic ministry to enlarge the kingdom. Jesus loves you Linda and so do we.