Friday, December 20, 2013 Don't Raise Your Voice
Every once in awhile you will have to deal with a discipline problem or simply unacceptable behavior. The easy way to assert authority is by raising your voice or yelling a command. Many behavioral infractions are just an attempt to be noticed. Children want attention and sometimes will resort to lousy behavior to get your attention.
Yelling and screaming demonstrates a loss of control. A Mentor should not lose control. Raising your voice is abusing your authority from a position of control. The best techniques that I have seen have been demonstrated by Mentors and Teachers that children respect. They remain in control and firmly address the child who is misbehaving. They do this by reducing to a minimum the disruption caused to others and not making an example out of the badly behaving student.
Set boundaries early in a relationship; including the expected behaviors and consequences of abusing those boundaries. Building healthy relationships includes developing acceptable conflict resolution techniques.
Thanks for your time.
Go do something nice for somebody..