You wouldn't believe what dads are doing in Buffalo, they're showing up as fathers!
When men decide they want to learn how to be better husbands and dads, a family gets more beautiful.
As the guys received their Certificates of Graduation from the Nurturing Fathers Program, their families smiled.
Plenty of good things are happening in Buffalo for guys who want to become great dads.
Antoine Johnson is the Fatherhood Coordinator for the Buffalo Prenatal-Perinatal Network. He collaborates with Say Yes, the Buffalo Schools, Youth With A Purpose and a host of other organizations. The graduates all received Certificates and Awards for their participation in a 13 week program called Nurturing Fathers. If you're interested in attending the program, call Antoine Johnson at 716-884-6711 ext. 279
The YWAP Director was invited to share some relationship building tools for families. The future is bright as we proactively address the generationally accepted plague known as fatherlessness. It's time to step up to the plate guys, that's what real men do. They respect women and honor their children. A Father's Love can't be replaced. Place God's Love in your heart and then in the hearts of those around you.