Young people leave their Mothers for many reasons. Dear Mom of a lost child, A Father loves you.
When a child leaves you, God knows your pain He lost a Son, willingly - for a greater purpose.
All children were known by a loving Father before they were even placed in your womb.
Pain can yield fertile ground where a greater love can grow through brokenness.
Dear Mom,
You have not labored in vain. God has a plan to show you a more excellent way of a mother's love. His way is a broken and contrite heart. He desires a gentle and quiet spirit. Your child may be physically gone in death or you don't know where they are. They may have left you or you may have pushed them away - all that matters is your heart condition right now.
God knows the depth of every valley of pain that's ever existed. He also knows the way to the greatest mountains of grace, mercy, forgiveness and unfathomable joy and love. He will take you there. Know Him first and everything else will be added unto you.
As a Youth Director who has witnessed the death or loss of many young people, I know how you suffer. I have seen it and I have felt it. I also know that God has a plan of redemption. Just believe and call out to Him. He will answer you and show you great and mighty things that you've never known. He will show you how to be capable of a love that is inconceivably, unimaginably above anything that you've ever known.
"I have been to the mountaintop!" Today, on Mother's Day, I finally understand what that means. God wants you to join Him on the mountain.
Jesus loves you and so do we.
Bob & Linda Kuebelr