When the first Saturday of each month rolls around, we celebrate in a good neighborly way.
As always, everyone is welcome to participate in whatever way the Spirit leads you.
Positive words only are spoken, negative words make people feel broken.
You are invited to sing, dance, display art, read a chapter or share in whatever way that gives gratitude to God for who He made you to be. If you speak, please be uplifting and do not put anybody down.
This is a Christ-centered event, but you don't have to be a Christian to attend. Come as you are. You can come to participate and just sit and enjoy.
WHEN: Saturday Oct. 5, 2019, 6-9 PM
WHERE: Bread of Life Church 1638 South Park Ave. Buffalo, NY 14220
FOOD: It's free! You don't need to, but if you have a dish to pass that would be cool!
Someone should ask you if you need prayer. If we forget, please ask Young to have someone pray with you.
For more information please contact 716-830-8240 Pastor Bob Kuebler or 716-570-1175 Young Hee
For all those who want to participate, please RSVP and come by 5 pm for rehearsal.
2019/2020 Schedule: 11/2/19, 12/7/19, 1/4/20, 2/1/20,3/7/20/4/4/20,5/2/20, 6/6/20 (picnic)
This is a youth With A Purpose sponsored event. Although there is no cost to you, it does cost money to run the program. The costs are minimal thanks to the generosity of Young Hee providing the food and The Bread of Life supplying the building, heat, electric and sound system as well as volunteers to run it. There will be a basket if you want to chip in a coin or two.
Thanks we appreciate you and look forward to seeing you on the First Saturday of every month.