This is a place to share the bright spots in our world. If you have a bright spot to share, please do. I'm glad you're here! I hope your day is filled with extravagantly abundant blessings that exceed your imagination.
Bright Spots can grow in dark places.
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as well as a place for tips on how to create Bright Spots.
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so we can create a world with more Bright Spots.
Thursday, March 6, 2014
Just Believe
As part of their education, we teach young people about the principle of "Cause and Effect." A simple explanation of that principle would be: "The cause is why the effect or event happened." If I drop an egg on concrete and the egg breaks, the cause is the dropping and the effect is the breaking. A good mentor isn't satisfied with just teaching principles. Your goal is to be a mentor who teaches how to remove causes that cause negative effects.
I was talking to a Chiropractor yesterday who is writing a book on common sense in health care. His name is Dr. Michael S. Diehm and he removed the effect of back pain for my wife before there was a cause. This will require a little deep thinking on your part so please be patient with me. My wife was not experiencing any back pain but she went for some wellness care anyway. It's kind of like checking the oil in your car; your car will run without the proper amount of oil but it will eventually break down. My wife walked out feeling better knowing that she was in good shape. She was infused with confidence and that contributes to a positive life attitude.
While Dr. Mike was contributing to the well being of my wife, he discussed some of the ideas in his book. He described some health care procedures that initially appear beneficial. I'm going to describe what I heard and it may not reflect entirely his viewpoints. Many medical tests reveal abnormalities and illnesses that we were not aware of. Some folks may have walked into a doctor's office thinking they were healthy and walked out believing otherwise. Treatment may be necessary and may also cause side effects that lead to more illness. When someone is given news that they have a disease, the mental state generally becomes regressively negative. If the thought patterns become increasingly negative, the immune system can break down causing the illness to exacerbate. Hypochondriacs have been known to think themselves into an early grave. Their imaginations create diseases that eventually manifest themselves in the body and cause death. Deadly imagination is the cause and death is the effect.
Dr. Mike told me about an old book called: "Magic of Believing" by Claude Bristol. I bought it for my Nook this morning. Here is something that I copied from the Forward written by the Editor, Dr. Robert C. Worstell:
"The idea that your beliefs can take power over the apparent universe we live in is an old one. Jesus spoke of it, as did Aristotle." Another old aphorism taken from Proverbs 23:7 states: "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he." Somehow we have taken our belief system and corroded our creativity with the effect of negativity. Instead of focusing and protecting the positive, we go looking for the negative. I am not jumping on a soapbox and preaching against preventive medicine. I am simply saying:
"Just believe in the best, because only good things are possible for those who just believe." Stealing, killing and destroying are the effects of one main cause - fear. We replicate those causes by feeding fear. Remove the food and fear will die. There are porn shops on many street corners. Porn is readily available on the internet and smartphones - more easily accessible than ever before. Main stream publications like "Sports Illustrated" display nearly naked women on their covers. We used to call that "soft porn." Everywhere you look, sexuality is cheapened and sold in the name of lust and greed. Prisons have more than their fair share of what we call sexual deviants; people who prey on others sexually. Why do we keep spreading the cause of porn if we don't like the effect of sexual predators? It's time to reexamine cause and effect. Which of our actions are causing more effects? How can we remove the root cause and destroy it before it becomes a killer effect?
Thanks Dr. Mike for fanning the flames inside me. I have watched many lives destroyed because we don't remove the causes. Young people join gangs because we haven't reached them with an opportunity to know what love is. We build more prisons to deal with the effect of lovelessness. Prison populations are ever expanding with a combination of new prisoners and returning prisoners. The rate of recidivism is a statistic that measures the effect of our inability to remove the cause. I will keep on believing that all children are gifted. I will keep on believing in them even after they are in jail. I believe in believing!
FYI - If you are looking for an excellent, wisdom filled Chiropractor, you can find Dr. Mike at:
Diehm Chiropractic & Wellness
500 W. Ray Rd
Chandler, AZ 85225
Phone: (480) 491-9699 http://www.drmikewellness.com/
Thanks for your time. Go do something nice for somebody.
Bob Kuebler
Founder / Mentor Force
Mentor Force is an organization of initiators.
We help young people who are at risk of leading impoverished and violent lives.
We teach teachers, mentors and youth leaders how to build healthy relationships that make young people feel valued. Our goal is to ensure that every student has the benefit of being guided by a Mentor.
If we can help you reach your potential as a Mentoring organization please contact us: 716-830-8240 or [email protected]