Thursday, March 13, 2014 Mentor Ripples
If you throw 2 stones into a pond simultaneously, they will both make a splash. If one stone is larger than the other it will produce a larger splash. Imagine the ripples on the surface of the pond spreading out from the point of impact. The ripples from the larger stone will eventually intersect and overwhelm the ripples made by the smaller stone.
Your words and actions as a Mentor cause ripples in the mind of your Mentoree. Are the ripples of your life positive and constructive or negative and destructive? One negative word or action has the power to annihilate all of the positive impressions that you've made. You are not expected to be perfect but you must set the bar of expectation for yourself so high that your margin of error is minimal. Your errors must be no bigger than the ripples of the smaller stone that are cancelled by the ripples of your good character.
Thanks for your time. Go do something nice for somebody.
Bob Kuebler
Founder / Mentor Force
Mentor Force is an organization of initiators.
We help young people who are at risk of leading impoverished and violent lives.
We teach teachers, mentors and youth leaders how to build healthy relationships that make young people feel valued. Our goal is to ensure that every student has the benefit of being guided by a Mentor. If we can help you reach your potential as a Mentoring organization please contact us: 716-830-8240 or [email protected]
We do school assemblies and conferences. We will design a program for your school or organization. Posted by Bob Kuebler at 4:49 AM