When Personal Fitness Trainer Migdalia Mendez told her life story, they were all tuned in.
As she spoke, Migdalia covered many things that the young audience could identify with.
Plenty of people go through hard times, but those who are teachable learn the greatest life lessons.
You may be going through some hard times now or maybe you know someone who is. It would be a great idea to watch the video of Migdalia's inspirational testimony delivered to the young people at Teen Action Night.​ The video begins with the YWAP Director giving a 10 minute Bible Leadership Lesson followed by Migdalia and can be found on YouTube.
Migdalia is closer in age to the 12-18 yr. old audience than most of our speakers. Sometimes that makes for a greater impact. Her story was powerful. All of us will go through hard times in life, but some folks seem to have more than their fair share of tribulations. Migdalia has had a lot of trouble and she freely admits that most of it came after she followed her heart instead of following God. You will find hope and encouragement by watching this video. Her words are the words of an overcomer who perseveres in hard times as she embraces life's struggles. Here are some of the topics that Migdalia spoke about from the vantage point of having walked through them:
1. Suicide
2. Physical, Mental, Sexual and Emotional Abuse
3. Cutting - (as in cutting oneself)
4. Rape
5. Alcoholics
6. Abandonment and Rejection
7. Having Children Outside of Marriage
8. Having Sex Outside of Marriage
9. Having A Special Needs Child
10. Cheating
11. Being a Single Mother
12. Running Away From Home
13. Bullying
13. Self Love
14. Prayer
15. Heaven and Hell
16. What A Woman Should Look for In A Man. A real man will honor you no matter how you look.
17. Love Yourself The Way God Loves You - Just The Way He Made You.
18. Watch the movie "Priceless"
19. "If you're not seeking God, you should because it's the right thing to do."
20. "Stay in school." "Save sex for marriage." "Seek God."
Migdalia is a young lady with a powerful message from God that will help you avoid self destructive life-patterns.
Thank you Migdalia for being a rock star for Christ. You were real. You were vulnerable. You impacted young lives in a way that will impact their lives forever.
Migdalia Marie Mendez is also a Personal Trainer who mentors women.
Jesus loves you and so do we.