When young people listen intently, you know their hearts are soaking up something good!
A lot of folks are athletes, few will honestly tell you about the struggles of failure within their will to succeed.
Planning is part of the goal setting process. Oscar Brown is an example of a young man who sets goals, knows how to embrace plans that include struggle as a means of attaining those goals. He had parents who guided him. mentors and coaches who taught him about God and life - now he's giving back!
Having Oscar Brown speak to the young people at Teen Action Night is an example of a Mission/Vision Statement in action. Our goal is to help young people become Christ-centered mentors for the next generation. Oscar is a young man who played on a YWAP Basketball Team that was winless to the tune of 0-14! But with the help of teammates like Olwak Jenaro the YWAP Team came back the next season to win a Championship.
He went on to play college ball, graduate and then spent six years in the US Army. One of his goals is to help young people in Sudan through soccer clinics with Jenaro. YWAP will sow into that effort. Both of these young men have a relationship with Christ. We are proud of them.
What happens on Teen Action Night? For 12-18 yr. old guys and girls, we play some volleyball type activities, and, learn about character through the Bible, we eat some good food and listen to a Nine Minute Life Speaker like Oscar.
If you need more info call the YWAP Line 716-830-8240. It doesn't matter if you're not a Christian or into religion, we don't force you into anything, we just want you to know what love is and we respect you as you are.
#ywap716 #ywapbuffalo #ywap4God #JLYASDW