When next week rolls around however, we have a special 9 Minute Life Speaker from North Carolina.
A lot of folks in Buffalo know Tom Burger because he grew up in Lake View, NY.
Please set some time aside to come and see Tom next week.
Next week will be one of the greatest weeks in YWAP's 18 year history! Tom will speak at Teen Action Night on Thursday. He's also written a program about the best practices of fatherhood from God's perspective. On Friday and Saturday (11/30-12/1) Tom will be one of the speakers at a conference called "How To Be A Great Dad." It's for guys 12 yrs+ who want to learn the best practices of manhood from each other. You will learn how to respect women, partner with them in raising children and how to be a role model that improves children's lives when they follow you. The program is based on the absolute truth of God's plan for men. All guys can learn something and share something that will help other men, whether you are a dad or not.
The event is free, the three meals are free and the booklet "How To Be A Great Dad" is free. Tom will also be speaking at the Sunday Service, 10 AM at The Bread Of Life, 1638 South Park Avenue, Buffalo, NY.
For info, call 716-830-8240. ​HAPPY THANKSGIVING!
Did You Know You Can Shop On Amazon & Help YWAP?
It's almost Black Friday - one of the busiest shopping days of the year! By reminding your supporters to shop at smile.amazon.com, Youth With A Purpose Inc can increase its AmazonSmile donations.
This Black Friday, score deals at smile.amazon.com/ch/26-1628749 and AmazonSmile donates to Youth With A Purpose Inc.