Youth With A Purpose is celebrating our 10th year of serving young people in Western New York. YWAP is one of the premier youth mentoring organizations in Buffalo. We are proud of the thousands of young people who are now out changing the world.
The YWAP Relationship Mentoring begins with interactive discussions in the home, community center, classroom and in the neighborhood. The program builds throughout the school year eventually leaving the classroom and heading into the wilderness areas of the Adirondack Mountains. The students will be taught life skills that are applicable in the classroom and in the great outdoors. They will climb the highest mountains in New York and learn how to climb the mountains of life.
Our YWAP facilitators are trained Character Education Specialists who are passionate about teaching healthy relationship skills. Most of the topics covered cannot be discussed during regular classroom sessions due to the teacher’s responsibility to deliver curriculum based material that the students will be tested on. Instruction time is precious for a teacher. We make sure our students feel valued and invite them into the learning process as willing participants. We are all teacher/students capable of learning from each other during the relationship building process.
Students need time to explore the issues that so heavily impact their lives. There is fruit from this kind of outlet for the students. Some will be encouraged to seek help in the form of counseling. We encourage them to not keep their fears and worries all “bottled up” inside. There is freedom in opening up. Stress and pressure are relieved. They feel better knowing that we all deal with the same issues and that they are not alone.
YWAP Relationship Mentors are trained in Power Moment Mentoring. By building personal relationships with the young people that we mentor, we develop the ability to recognize the emotional state of the present moment. There is a cause and effect for each emotional moment. A student who has learned how to deal with emotional stress and pressure, will have more freedom to focus on academic achievement. We mentor one moment at a time.
All YWAP programs are centered on positive peer influence.
· Our After School Program features healthy eating, physical activities, counseling and tutoring. Our Program on the West Side of Buffalo is open year round.
· Our In School Program works in the classroom during labs, study halls, Social Studies and Health Class in a positive peer group session. We also involve the students in assemblies.
· The YWAP Speakers Bureau includes individuals who speak about: HIV/AIDS, Addiction, Prison Experience, Suicide, Fatherhood, Teen Pregnancy, Gangs and other subjects relevant to young people.
· We have many Leadership Camps throughout the year.
· We take small groups on Wilderness Treks into the Adirondack Wilderness Area to climb mountains.
· We partner with the Administration and Faculty in identifying academic needs as well as behavioral intervention and prevention.
· Topics covered include: Peer pressure, conflict resolution, goal setting, bullying, decision making, self accountability, personal relationships, entrepreneurial skills and study habits.
· When needed, YWAP is involved in every aspect of a young person’s life. We are with them at home, in school and in the neighborhood. We attend their athletic events, court sessions, counseling sessions, family events and any other event that helps us wrap that young person in a safe environment, physically, mentally and emotionally.
· YWAP offers workshops for organizations desiring to become Certified in Relationship Mentoring.
At YWAP, we teach young people how to climb the mountains of life.