who has worked wonders for you; never again will my people be shamed. - Joel 2:26
After six straight days of ThanksGiving-Back Community Dinners, the turkey crew will take two days off.
Preparation is one of the keys to success. Turkeys don't cook themselves!
On Thursday night, 40 dinners were delivered to a young men's mentoring program at BWAP - Brothers With A Purpose. We help guys affected by gang violence, drugs and poverty become Christ-centered role models who mentor the next generation. Thank you Mrs. Triggs and all the folks who volunteer to make ThanksGiving-Back happen.
It's easy to see a meal and think that some hard work happened in the kitchen. That's true, but it's only a small fraction of what it takes to serve over 3,000 free community dinners. Planning, shopping, pre-cooking, record-keeping, phone calls, vehicle maintenance (especially gas purchases) and electricity for freezers and refrigeration. The pictures here show some of the prep work involved at ThanksGiving-Back Days 5 & 6. We visited the good folks at the Dnipro Ukrainian Cultural Center and the Monsignor Geary Homes. So far this week, we've served 2,688 dinners. We still have purchases to make and would appreciate your support. Thank you. .