Why do they join gangs? It's human nature to desire acceptance, respect, protection - a gang will help you raise your self-esteem. Gangs groom children as young as 5-6 rs.old and the average age of those who join a gang is 13-14 yrs.old.
A lot of gangs have initiation ceremonies just like a church baptism. When someone makes a decision to change their life, the church and the gang like to immediately immerse the new convert in a practical application of their belief systems. Hopefully, the church helps you understand how to love God and your neighbor as yourself. The gang will show you how to get money, without stopping to count the cost.
Plenty of gang members, like church folks, are willing to die for their cause. It's easier to leave church than it is to leave a gang. The gang will come looking for you (that's usually not good.) No one should impose their faith on anybody, but if you really love someone, shouldn't you go looking for them? Who's going out looking to show love to gangsters?
Our mission at YWAP is to help young guys become Christ-centered role models who mentor the next generation. We don't try and create religious clones. Compassion, empathy, understanding, respect and love are character traits that help guys know what peace is. All of them have a purpose. We believe it's a God ordained purpose. If you want to help, leave us a message or call 716-830-8240.
Thanks for your time. Go do something nice for somebody.
Jesus loves you and so do we. #JLYASDW
*Journal of Adolescent Health