We put money on the phone to keep our relationship going as we hope for a brighter future.
A good way to redeem the time behind bars is studying the Bible.
Prisoners say they pray a lot. Leading them through a Bible Study on the jail cell phone ensures that they are at least getting some Truth in their mind.
Today's study was taken from Judges 7 in the Old Testament. A man named Gideon was hiding as he threshed his wheat in a wine vat because he was afraid the enemy would come and destroy his crops.. An Angel of the Lord visited him and told him he would deliver the Israelites from the bondage of their enemies. He was doubtful because of his perceived lowly status among his people and in the world.
The part of the story we focused on was how God led an army of 300 to scatter enemy soldiers who numbered more than the "sand by the seashore" God used the most unlikely, unworthy and inadequate people to create a great victory. When we trust God, He takes our weaknesses and uses them as tools to bring Him glory.
All success comes from God. Remember that when you are successful, there is a tendency to forget where our success originated. It's best to remain grateful and generous all the time.