​ When our last YWAP Van reached the stage of "beyond repair," the kind folks at Towne found a way for us to keep the YWAP wheels of community service rolling with another van.
​ A lot of people at Towne came together like a family to help the YWAP family. We're grateful and so are the young people and their families whom we serve.
​ Please watch for the upcoming history of our old YWAP Van. In a few days we'll detail what generosity looks like and what can be accomplished by a few folks practicing kindness.
​ Thank you Frank and Shari Downing, the generosity in your hearts is pouring down into the hearts of many other people. Jesus loves you and so do we.
#weloveourtowne #ywap #JLYASDW
​ For more information about how YWAP helps young men affected by gang violence, drugs and poverty become mentors for the next generation, please leave a message or call 716-830-8240. Thanks for your time. Go do something nice for somebody.