Life in the city is vastly different from life in the country. There are more police, larger jails and overflowing cemeteries. Porn shops spring up like weeds. Drug dealers are mobile and set up shop on any street corner. Homeless folks hang out like pigeons under city bridges. Other folks stand on street corners with cardboard signs that say: "Please help, homeless, need money for food." Gangs recruit immature kids looking to feel wanted. Girls give their bodies away in return for shelter and food. Kids are kidnapped or run away into the arms of child traffickers. Gunshots take the lives of both the innocent and the wannabe innocents. Some kids sleep on a different couch every night, Sometimes they have to give themselves away to earn a spot on a couch.
With an enormity of things to pray for, where would you begin? I'm just going to start and pour out my heart. I'm going to do it today.
Dear God,
I know you're listening. I know you feel. I know you care. I know you see all that's happening here in the city. Thank you for the lives of children. They're full of potential. Thank you for the potential that you have given all of us. Lord help us to protect that potential. Make me into a guy that children can believe in and trust. Cause me to always keep my word. Help me to teach them how much you love them. Help me to teach them how to be as compassionate as you are.
Today Father,
give a boy the courage to say no to joining a gang.
Today Father,
help a young girl to know a Father's love so she doesn't end up looking for love in a cheap sexual act.
Today Father,
save the life of a child whose mother is headed for an abortion.
Today Father,
give a mother and father the courage to work out their problems and save their family from the destruction of divorce.
Today Father,
lock the bedroom door of a young girl who's pleading to let the night pass without someone forcing her to feel dirty.
Today Father,
open the eyes of a teenager who thinks they have to steal to survive.
Today Father,
bring the homeless into a shelter where love is taught as a way of life that provides sustenance.
Today Father,
cause a drug dealer to flush their cache of drugs down the toilet.
Today Father,
jam the gun before it fires and save the young man's life.
Today Father,
open a cell door to a new beginning for a prisoner who has been chained to his past.
Today Father,
bring fresh new people into the city who have your compassion to teach your style of leadership to children.
Today Father,
let the rejuvenating flow of your spirit bring new adrenalin to city youth leaders.
Today Father,
give city school teachers the strength to continue and love children who only know hate.
Today Father,
infuse city leaders with your wisdom to make decisions based on love and compassion.
Today Father,
Posted by Bob Kuebler at 6:12 AM