Pride is a gun used in gang warfare.
Older gang members impress young folks with the promise of power.
Here are some "sales phrases" for use in the solicitation of future gangsters:
"Nobody notices you now but we will make you important!"
"We will give you money, sex, drugs and power."
"We will make you important."
"We will protect you."
"We see potential in you."
"We will raise you up and make you special."
"We believe in you!"
"Others are weak but you are strong."
"We will be proud of you!"
Gang members are great salesmen who prey upon young folks who feel inferior. They don't seem to fit into their surroundings. They want desperately to belong. They want desperately to be loved.
We reap jails full of young guys because we have sown indifference.
We reap funerals of young guys because we have sown apathy.
We reap lousy graduation rates because we have sown insignificance.
Too many fatherless children have become statistics who lack relationships. Kids join gangs to experience relationship.
Would you please take a minute today and spend it in relationship with a young person. Do something to make a young person feel loved.
Thanks for your time.