Chanda Ramirez is a rock star who represents Catholic Charities and the Say Yes Program. She arranged a meeting of Service Providers along with School Administrators. Here is a copy of the email that I just sent to Chanda:
Thanks Chanda for a great meeting.
Because of what you have done, I believe our goal of ensuring that "every child in Buffalo has a mentor" can be modeled at School #3.
What gives me that hope is the folks that you assembled this morning. Each of them brings a piece of life changing compassion that students need to become emotionally and academically successful.
Thanks for all you do, we appreciate you.
Bob & Linda
"Find new ways,
in as many ways,
in more excellent ways,
on all of your days,
to show love."
Bob Kuebler
YWAP Director
Youth With A Purpose
In School & After School
In The Mountains & In The Hood
"All Children Are Gifted"
157 Locust Street
Buffalo, New York 14204
It's going to be a great School year!