"You Can't Put Chicken In The Gas Tank!"
One of the greatest comments from a missionary that I ever heard was: "You can't put chicken in the gas tank!" That comment was made by Pastor Ken Dutton while he and his wife Deanna were traveling missionary/evangelists. His point was that people are quick to provide a meal when the pressing need was for finances. Please don't understand Pastor Ken's heart, he's one of the most grateful folks I know. Everything received is a blessing given. Sometimes you just need a couple of bucks for gas to get to your next destination.
As the YWAP Director, I have stopped asking for money. I pray instead. You might think I'm a fruitcake but that's okay, we've been around for ten years and it seems the more I let go, the more needs get met. Not asking does not preclude me from providing the opportunity to give. Many folks have the ability and a willing heart to give, they just lack the destination.
The YWAP Ministry House in the Fruit Belt has several needs. A section of our roof needs a complete rip off and repair. We have about 7 bundles of shingles and probably need about 10 more along with rolled roofing and wood. Our downstairs kitchen ceiling needs drywall (approx !7x13.) We still do not have adequate heat for the first floor. We do have a full basement and a forced air system seems best. We currently have one space heater which does not reach the perimeters of the living space. We still need some electric work done.
What is the YWAP Ministry House used for? It is a residence for people who lack the ability to pay for a roof over their heads. The YWAP Director and his wife reside in a small apartment upstairs. We have an office and storage for our wilderness/Leadership Programs. If you can help us please do!
Thanks for your time. Go do something nice for somebody.