Youth With A Purpose begins our 18th year in 2019 with a fast as our Keys to the Kingdom Planning Strategy.
We fast and pray as we seek answers from God as to this years focus for our ministry.
As the next 21 days unfold, we'll ask God (appealing to heaven,) for a Word for the Year appointed for YWAP.
Praying and planning in seeking God's direction minimizes our mistakes in doing our best to teach young people how to become Christ-centered mentors for the next generation.
Following the same strategy that helped us write a book called The YWAP Fast, we'll detail the answers God gives us on a daily basis. Here on our website you'll find an article that gives a story, a Bible Reading, A Prayer and some Deep Thoughts. Here's an example from a previous fast when I almost drove by a man laying on the sidewalk with a metal leg because I didn't want to be late for church.
Our fast follows the pattern of a Daniel Fast. You can find it in the Bible, Daniel 1:12, 10:2-3 For 21 days beginning January 1, 2019, we'll eat only fruits and vegetables while consuming only water. The object of our fast is to focus on God and His plan for YWAP. Thanks for praying for us. We appreciate your comments and please fast with us if you're comfortable in doing so.