Day Two WORD
and they seemed unto him but a few days,
for the love he had to her."
Genesis 29:20
Deep Thoughts
Measuring time by the highs and lows of our emotions will surely impact the perceived length of our travails and triumphs. Time can be on your side, if you practice a mindset of gratitude. Anxiety will always be a drag, but refocusing on what you have to be grateful for will lessen the time focused on what you're anxious about. Happy times will always speed by and never be long enough, but if you spend some time being grateful for the hard times, they'll make the happy times even sweeter!
Everything works together in time to create something good for those who trust God. The picture at the top of this story shows Pilate "washing his hands" or removing himself from the responsibility of an innocent man who is about to die. We know that Jesus was in excruciating agony in the time before his death. In the time before he was crucified, he asked God to take away the times he was about to face. The times were so bad that he was sweating beads of blood. At his last Supper. Jesus gave thanks as he broke the bread, even as he was about to be broken.
We need help in being grateful in hard times.
You work all times into a perfect circle of grace.
Help us to trust you in long seasons of anxiety.
Cause our minds to revert to thankfulness
when we face times of travail.
Thank You God for giving us Your grateful Son.
He was grateful in the greatest agony of all.
We will never face what he did,
but help us in our human frailties.
Give us the mindset of gratitude in all times,
Thank You God.
In Jesus Name.