What Are You Compelled To Do?
On Sunday morning, a groggy bunch of sleepy eyed youngsters climbed out of their sleeping bags. After breakfast they headed for the barn and climbed on top of hay bales to experience Cowboy Church. The Pastor of the day stood inside a fenced ring with a horse trailer. He led a wild mustang into the ring who had never been broken or tamed. The Pastor explained that he would gain the horses's trust and lead him onto a horse trailer for the first time. He could not force or compel the horse to go on to the trailer, he first had to earn his trust.
It took awhile for him to form a relationship with the horse, but eventually the horse stopped resisting him. The Pastor explained that we are like that with God, we want our own way and we're slow to surrender our wills to Him. Most folks think they're doing okay on their own and don't need any help. It takes us awhile to understand that God's way is the best way to live our lives. God will not force us to follow Him.
The word "compel" has a few different meanings. It's usually understood as a forceful word as in forcing somebody to do something. There's another way to look at compel. People can be compelled to follow God if they see an enormous blessing by doing so. A horse can be compelled to move by a rope and be steered by a bit in its mouth. A horse can be compelled to stand still and let a child nuzzle its nose. The horse loves to be loved and people love to be loved.
People can be compelled to join you by your behavior - good or bad. People can be compelled to join you because the example you set is beneficial for them to follow. I read an article recently about the expanding Christian Church in Iran. Christians face immense persecution there with people being imprisoned for openly practicing their faith. The church has no central leadership and is mostly led by women. They pray and they make disciples. There's no forced conversion or compelling people by force to change their beliefs. You can't disciple somebody unless you have a relationship with them. They use love to compel people, first to discipleship and then to willingly convert to a more excellent way of living. “So our model inside Iran is that we don’t convert to disciple, we disciple so we can convert.” Fastest Growing Church Mother Teresa once said, "My job isn't to convert people. My job is to love people, and Love will do the converting." Be compelled by Love.
2 Corinthians 5:14-15 HCSB
“For Christ’s love compels us,
since we have reached this conclusion:
If One died for all, then all died.
And He died for all so that those who live
should no longer live for themselves,
but for the One who died for them and was raised.”
Matthew 5:41 NKJV
“And whoever compels you to go one mile,
go with him two.”
Mark 15:21 NKJV
“The King on a Cross
Then they compelled a certain man,
Simon a Cyrenian, the father of Alexander and Rufus,
as he was coming out of the country and passing by,
to bear His cross.”
Luke 14:23 NKJV
“Then the master said to the servant,
‘Go out into the highways and hedges,
and compel them to come in,
that my house may be filled.”
Thank you God for your compelling Love. You draw me in the way you show Love for me. Like Moses was drawn out of the Nile River, you draw me out of my self and show me a river of the water of Life. You compel me by your extravagant Love. You compel me to compel others by loving them the way you love me. Help me to love them more. Amen.
- Make grace compelling - Say grace and give grace.
- Write letters about what God has done in your life. Be the tongue of a ready writer. Give a written witness testimony that bears the marks of discipleship. You may not compel folks to sit at your feet and listen to your testimony, but they most likely will open your letter.
- The transformation of your heart compels you to love the way Jesus loves. The renewal of your mind compels you to seek wisdom. The total acceptance of Jesus did on the cross compels you to share the greatest Love that we could ever know. Be compelled by God's Love.