Betrayal happens everywhere. Friends, family, business, politics, war, religion and any other place where people are in close contact with each other. If a guy like Judas can be a close friend of Jesus and still betray Him, what hope do the rest of us have? Is betrayal an inherent gene in our family history? Where does betrayal begin?
The word sullenness describes the countenance of a person who is resentfully silent in a gloom and angered mood. It usually happens when a person doesn't get their own way. All of us become sullen at some point in our lives. What we do in our state of sullenness determines whether we'll be released from our gloom or start planning an act of doom - a disastrous destiny.
Betrayal can begin through sullenness. According to the Blue Letter Bible, the word for sullen in Hebrew is "car" (pronounced "sair.". The Outline of Biblical Usage describes sullen as, "stubborn, implacable, rebellious, resentful, sullen." In 1 Kings 20-21 you can read about a King named Ahab who could easily have been called King Sullen. His wife was Jezebel who could easily have been called Queen Sullenness. Together they took sullenness to the darkest levels of murder and mayhem. Sullenness can take us there too if we're not careful, especially where unrepentance is festering.
Ahab grew his first sullen roots of resentment when he heard from a Prophet that God was not pleased with him. Ahab was given a victory by God, but he didn't finish the job. He let the enemy go when God had intended for the evil to be totally eradicated. That was the first stage of Ahab's sullenness. Ahab was sad and upset, but he had no thought toward unrepentance (admitting his sin and changing his ways.)
The next phase in Ahab's journey to greater miserableness happens in a neighbor's vineyard. King Sullen approaches his neighbor Naboth about buying the vineyard and is told "No!" The owner said the plot of land had been in his family for generations and he would never sell it. King Sullen's mood darkens as his greed is left unfulfilled. He trudges back to his palace in a pathetic state of hopelessness. After telling Queen Sullenness his sad tale of woe, she devises an evil plan. Jezebel was a nasty woman bent on destroying what she couldn't cotrol.
The sad continuation of Ahab's sullenness journey includes lies and the betrayal of Naboth who was a good man. Men are hired to lie about Naboth and accuse him of blasphemy against God. Their false accusations are used to declare him guilty and he's sentenced to death by stoning. After the murder, Ahab takes over Naboth's vineyard. For a brief time Ahab and Jezebel are as evil and happy as can be. Everything in life though, eventually come full circle, especially when you go against the will of God. Ahab died when an arrow found its way into a small space in his armor. Jezebel was thrown out a window and her body was eaten by dogs.
Sullenness left unchecked will stretch into evil. Take your moods to God. It's interesting that the perpetrators declared a fast before they began the proceedings against Naboth. Evil people can fast too, make sure you're fasting to give honor to God. The devil will use people in leadership to take a country down, one false accusation at a time.
There was no one like Ahab. No one had so often chosen to do what the Lord said was wrong. His wife Jezebel influenced him to do evil.
1 Kings 21:25 ICB
Therefore repent and turn back, so that your sins may be wiped out, that seasons of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord.
Acts 3:19 HCSB
Therefore, having overlooked the times of ignorance, God now commands all people everywhere to repent.
Acts 17:30 HCSB
For the wrongdoer will be paid back for whatever wrong he has done, and there is no favoritism.
Colossians 3:25 HCSB
The sullen servant who does shoddy work will be held responsible. Being a follower of Jesus doesn’t cover up bad work.
Colossians 3:25 MSG
God we're sorry for being a moody people. Selfishness causes us to covet things that don't belong to us. We sulk when we don't get our own way. Offenses from other people drag us into the pit of sullenness. God You sent Your Son to say, "Not my will, but Your will be done." Forgive us for wanting our own wills above your will God. Turn our sullenness into repentance as your turn our sorrows into dancing. Thank You God for Your patience. Amen.
- It's hard to sulk when you are giving folks compliments.
- When sullenness hits, examine your heart from all sides.
- Moodiness is an emotion that can be physical, mental or spiritual. When you're sinking into sullenness, ask God for the cause and the remedy. It may be repentance. Act intentionally, with purpose and expediently.