We hope your day is filled with cheer.
We hope your day is filled with hope.
If you or someone you know is having trouble
finding something for their heart to smile about,
please let us know.
We would love to sow a
seed of hope in your heart.
Rejection happens to a seed.
(The heart farmer has to release the seed from his hand.)
Falling and failing are not bad things.
(The seed has to fall to the ground.)
Brokenness is necessary for you to grow.
(The farmer breaks the ground before he plants.)
Loneliness can be a dark depression.
(The seed under dirt is just waiting to grow.)
You are a seed who will grow through loneliness, brokenness, failure
and rejection. Even in the darkest night, the sun always rises.
If you need help, please let us know. You can leave us a message at:
[email protected]
Please visit http://p0.vresp.com/Yt1Wvi #vr4smallbiz For a look at some of our Christmas photos and a little more YWAP news.
Thanks for your time.
Go do something nice for somebody..