When "No-Notes Cash" (Buffalo Schools Superintendent Dr. Kriner Cash) took the microphone, the audience was treated to a blast of encouragement regarding our children's education. "Education begins in the womb." "Keep going!"-Harriet Tubman. Those were a few of the quotes given by Dr. Cash. He spoke about "commitment, collaboration and support.". The future is bright for Buffalo's children.
A lot of smiles decorated the faces of a large crowd. Many people were responsible for helping the folks from STVC put on a spectacular event. We would like to give a great big YWAP THANK YOU to The Stop The Violence Coalition for their part in making Buffalo a better place to live and raise children.
Prosperity is a great word to sum up a description of what happened at the Banquet. Youth With A Purpose received a Youth Service Award. Thank you to all of the YWAP Staff, Volunteers, Board Members and Supporters from all over the YWAP World for your part in serving young people. To quote Dr, Kriner Cash who quoted Harriet Tubman - Youth With A Purpose will "Keep going!"
Thanks for your time. Go do something nice for somebody.