When Space-Thursday rolls around once a month, the young folks are given space to discuss deeper life topics.
A lot of them see messages about sex plastered all over social media, so we address that topic.
Plenty of young people embrace abstinence from sex until marriage. It's the safest way to avoid pregnancy, disease and a broken heart. Condoms don't protect the heart.
A fireplace with hot coals and a warm glow can do wonders to keep a home comfortable. Take the fire out of the fireplace and dump it in the middle of the living room floor and your house could burn down. Sex is like that, it can bring pleasure within the confines of a trusting and intimate relationship between two married people. Sex outside of the safe boundaries of marriage can cause people to get burned emotionally. God has a plan for a more excellent way of love.
​ We need to speak the truth and explain God's plan for sex and marriage. Too many young people grow up fatherless because guys use the ladies for sex and take off. The ladies and the kids get burned by the fire of fatherlessness.