When God-loving folks work together in people-loving endeavors, beautiful things happen in the neighborhood!
A team of wonderful big-hearted people from Youth With A Mission - YWAM Tribal Winds joined up with Church for the Nations Flagstaff & Compassion Ministries and Youth With A Purpose Inc. for some fun and work at NAOMI House.
Last Saturday 2/4/23 was the fun day. The team shared some fun and games, gave out birthday presents and as usual they ate pretty good. No, they didn’t just eat pretty good, they had an other worldly, scrumptiously delicious lunch from the Compassion Chefs. They always cook up a meal that brings a smile that stretches from the head to the toes!
On Wednesday a work crew returned and attended to some unfinished business. Paint, caulk, ceramic tile, drywall, wood trim - just a few minor items?.
Thank you everyone of you big-hearted people who loved on those children the way Jesus loves on you!
NEXT UP: LightBreak at the Flastaff Shelter. 2/15/23 @5:30 pm. We serve dinner and give out clothes and gifts.
We’d like to do something extra for Valentines if you have any ideas.
If you’re interested, please call 716-830-8240.
Thanks for your time.
Go do something nice for somebody.
Jesus loves you and so do we.
#ywapagainsthumantrafficking #ywap4Christ #JLYASDW #CompassionMinistriesFlagstaff #BeyondChurchWalls